By Anonymous - 15/07/2015 15:40 - Canada - Port-menier

Today, I found out my mom recently stopped taking her medication. I came home to find she'd shot my dog because she thought he was possessed by the devil. FML
I agree, your life sucks 42 786
You deserved it 2 195

Same thing different taste

Top comments

juststephhere 23

Your mom needs some serious help, like I can't even believe that happened. That poor dog... Maybe get her to a doctor before something like this happens again...

This is one of my most horrifying things I've ever read. I'm so sorry.


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Being a huge animal lover, part of me agrees with this but at the same time I don't. She shouldn't be arrested seeing as she wasn't on her medication, she wasn't in the right state of mind. Some sort of action should be taken, however, but being arrested is not one of them.

73, she still needs to be held accountable for her actions. What if it had been a person she'd shot?

If they can prove it , they can say they were insane basically and mentally ill they will get punished but it's more like going to mental hospital and getting better not jail

Yes, she should be arrested, without question. There seems to be more and more sympathy for people who don't take their medication when they have a diagnosed mental illness (and if this woman was on medications, she has been diagnosed and is supposed to be on treatment), and I think it's crap. Part of the responsibility for treatment lies in the person who is sick, and if she willingly stopped taking her meds, she damn sure is responsible for her actions while she was off them.

It could have been something as simple as she forgot to take them that day, or she was late to take them and then couldn't because her paranoia was preventing her from thinking "oh I need to take my meds." I'm definitely of the thinking that she needs help, not prison time. There are places she can go where people can keep an eye on her and make sure she is taking her medicine. Her going to prison might just make her illness much worse.

you need to get her under psychiatric care immediately

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rocker_chick23 27

How do you know OP had the gun in their house? The mom could have had her own gun.

Hey, you need to get her committed immediately - as in, right now, so she can get the help she needs. Do you have somewhere you can stay tonight or someone to talk to? That is such a horrible experience I am so sorry, for you and your Mom and the dog.

XBurytheCastleX 25

Schizophrenia is not funny. Since she can't take her medications by herself, she needs to be put in a hospital. Please call up her worker.

I'm sorry OP. Having a parent with mental illness can be rough and that's definitely extreme. My mother is Schizophrenic and has done some pretty twisted things when she's off her meds. Keep your head up, and I'm so sorry for the loss of your dog. Your mom needs some serious help.

Add the meds into the stuff she eats or accompany her for some therapy. Or you can wait to be next up.

Mom or not, eye for an eye may be acceptable here.

FalloutScrolls 25

Get out of that house, and get that woman some psychiatric help, ASAP! This is seriously frightening.