By Anonymous - 15/07/2015 15:40 - Canada - Port-menier

Today, I found out my mom recently stopped taking her medication. I came home to find she'd shot my dog because she thought he was possessed by the devil. FML
I agree, your life sucks 42 786
You deserved it 2 195

Same thing different taste

Top comments

juststephhere 23

Your mom needs some serious help, like I can't even believe that happened. That poor dog... Maybe get her to a doctor before something like this happens again...

This is one of my most horrifying things I've ever read. I'm so sorry.


Call the cops and have her committed. The problem with Mental disorders they ALWAYS stop taking their meds at some point. Next time it could be you.

That's not even close to being true.

As someone with mental illness, I can tell you that you are very wrong. I have never had any desire to go off of my meds at any time, neither has my mom, friends, or ex boyfriend.

Whether a pyschiatric patient will go off their medication without doctor's orders depends on the patient. Some people do it because it makes them sick. Some do it because they think that because they are 'better' they will stay so when they stop the medication. Some do it because they can't afford the medication. As someone with major depressive disorder and acute chronic GAD I stopped my depression medication several times because of emotional abuse from several family members that centered around them calling me a drug addict. So your statement about "all" mental patients stopping their drugs isn't just false, it is highly presumptuous. It means you are assuming you know enough about every mental patient to say their reason for stopping without a doctor's say so is inadequate.


people with serious mental disorders need to be monitored constantly for taking their medication. I'm kind of surprised it escalated to this so fast without anyone noticing.

As someone with major depression, I can answer that. It only takes 1-4 days for the drugs to get out of your system. It can take months to get to therapeutic level.

To add to that- she's crazy, not stupid. A person who honestly believes they don't need their meds, or that their Meds are in fact hurting them, will get VERY creative about hiding the fact they aren't taking them. Plus, if her biochemistry shifted, it might have been the meds just stopped working, and neither she or the OP noticed until it was too late. I doubt that's the case here, but it can happen.

This is the most horrible thing I've read on this site.

LadyLuck93 20

That is absolutely terrifying... holly shit, run for your life.

Call the police and have her arrested for animal cruelty

they will just put her into a mental illness ward .

I am so sorry, my dog is my best friend, I would break down. I hope you find something positive in your life.

It is pretty common among people with mental illness to quit taking their medication, they think nothing is wrong so they just stop. Very sad that she killed your dog, it sounds like she needs to be put into an inpatient care facility for a while. Hope everything gets better OP!

I hate to say this, but if she's willing to shoot a dog, maybe she'd be willing to shoot a person next. She needs to be kept away from weapons, and perhaps needs to be in an inpatient facility for a while.

So your mentally Ill mother shot your dog and you take the time to update social media?...

leogachi 15

What makes you think Op posted this immediately after finding this out?