By Orgasmataz - 25/01/2015 22:10 - United Kingdom - Manchester

Today, I found out that, due to the walls at my uni dorm being ridiculously thin, my entire flat overheard me lose my virginity. Spanking and all. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 465
You deserved it 10 560

Orgasmataz tells us more.

OP here! We did have some music playing actually...I don't think my flatmates will be listening to Jake Bugg for a while haha

Top comments

Sounds like this is the first time sex has been heard in your dorm. Does that mean you're the only one who's gotten laid recently?


it's embarrassing now, But later it may be funny in the future.

so? just let them lay in there bed at night... wishing to get laid while they hear you moan an get spanked ;)

College isn't cheap, I doubt that many students can afford a hotel room.

rylaii 26

Hotel room walls are just as thin too. Still going to be overheard

Good news everyone, you've just had sex so stop complaining

The realization must have hit you pretty hard...

Spanking FTW. Don't worry op, I doubt your the only one in your dorm who's done the deed and been heard. I mean it is college, sex is all over the place there. My first day of freshman year I heard the people below me going at it all night long. My roommate and I were like 'okay welcome to college I guess o.O'.

Surprised it took somebody this long to mention the spanking. Everybody is focused on the wrong red cheeks. You go, OP. Own it.