By Orgasmataz - 25/01/2015 22:10 - United Kingdom - Manchester

Today, I found out that, due to the walls at my uni dorm being ridiculously thin, my entire flat overheard me lose my virginity. Spanking and all. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 465
You deserved it 10 560

Orgasmataz tells us more.

OP here! We did have some music playing actually...I don't think my flatmates will be listening to Jake Bugg for a while haha

Top comments

Sounds like this is the first time sex has been heard in your dorm. Does that mean you're the only one who's gotten laid recently?


I'd be singing, "I just had sex, and it felt so good!"

ha! that's actually what my gf did when she lost it to me. we went to go to the store afterwards and she put it on in the car haha

Congratulations to you, at least if anyone's questions your virginity you have several witnesses to vouch for you

Lucky you : I had no ****** when I lost my virginity and it was EXTREMELEY painful!

No luck involved. Your guy just didn't know what he was doing.

sorry you are getting downvoted. losing your virginity is painful for most women. it was for me.

Sorry things didn't go so well for you #36. And for the record, not every women CAN have orgasms when the only stimulation is penetration. Every woman's body is different.

#81 thanks for understanding! and sorry you experienced the same thing I did...

That's what college is all about and no FML you just had sex!

Hold wait let me make sure my comment is spelt right......

If it's someone that she trusted (and I'm sure that she did), there is nothing wrong with that.

Absolutely. But often you have to wait looooong time before girls accept just to talk about things like that and often the answer is "No". At least, here in the south Europe.

Charles900 16

Sounds like it was a fun experience; I know it can be painful the first time, so you lucked out there. I guarantee this isn't the first or last time people in the dorm have heard something like this, op.

All that sound coming through the paper thin walls from other people didn't give you a clue?

Either you were a bad girl, or you're a really good girl.