By Orgasmataz - 25/01/2015 22:10 - United Kingdom - Manchester

By Orgasmataz - 25/01/2015 22:10 - United Kingdom - Manchester
OP here! We did have some music playing actually...I don't think my flatmates will be listening to Jake Bugg for a while haha
Doesn't matter, had sex?
You stole my comment! :p
*"I just had sex" starts playing*
I just had sex, and it felt so good
lonely island :)
All these FMLs are the same damn thing. I'd like to see something other than same stories rewritten over and over.
well that does sound embarrassing. Sorry op! Just try to be quieter next time or put on some music
You speaking from experience? ;)
OP here! We did have some music playing actually...I don't think my flatmates will be listening to Jake Bugg for a while haha
at op: be loud. be proud and enjoy yourself. never try to hold in your enjoyment. scream in the sheets and dance in the streets!
Jake bugg is pretty good. Good choice.
Sounds like this is the first time sex has been heard in your dorm. Does that mean you're the only one who's gotten laid recently?
Also. Considering she spoke of "Today, I discovered" or something like that. ( I forgot) that means she didn't learn it yet, duh. And that means that no one else had sex for a while, because else she would have heard it and took notice, therefore. He is correct. Good day, hooligans.
Either that or OP is the only one in the dorm getting a good lay...
First of all, do you even know what a walk of shame is? Second of all, if you do, re read the FML.
Maybe they meant the walk of shame for the other person?
Judging by the title of the post and the spanking, it sounded like her first time was very enjoyable. There is no shame in that.
Well at least you got laid :)
I'm trying to understand all the downvotes...
I can't say that it should be unexpected though...
Well at least it's memorable and you learned new things. I say that's a good college experience.
As embarrassing as that is. At least its a memorable experience you can laugh about later. Plus it sounds like you will only be one of many OP.
That's pretty much every dorm ever. You can't expect the walls to be luxuriously thick, they house a lot of students. You would not believe the things I heard my upstairs neighbor get up to every week during my senior year.
Really intense scrabble.
Doesn't matter, had sex?
Sounds like this is the first time sex has been heard in your dorm. Does that mean you're the only one who's gotten laid recently?