By Sarah - 30/08/2012 12:58 - United States - Hampton Bays

Today, I found out that I'm not actually allergic to chocolate, when my mom freely admitted to me that she made it up when I was a child because she didn't want to share any cookies with me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 889
You deserved it 2 118

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Dodge4x4Ram 46

If they were chocolate chip Chips Ahoy cookies.. I understand her reasoning..


If she could do that for a cookie. What would she do for a Klondike bar I wander.

lovepandorasaver 11

I wonder how amazing a cookie would taste if I just discovered it now, well dive in OP and enjoy. I doubt momma is going to get any chocolatey treats any time soon haha.

loserboii 11

On the bright side there is less sugar in your body? **** that cookies are tasty.

Time to have a chocolate ice cream with hot fudge with brownies in it and chocolate milk. Chocolate dream right there, and tell your mom to piss off.

xBrookiee_Babyyx 0

i wish my parents had done that to me bc i wouldnt be such a sugarholic now parents always told me I was allergic to money, and that's why they never gave me any. I wonder...

stevenJB 25

Well considering that "paper" money is just linen and cotton you should have run around naked (due to your allergy, of course) until they admitted the allergy was false.

Child abuse. It would be a crime for people to vote as a YDI

HarleyQuinnFox 10

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Yeah let's rob our kids of their childhood and make them grow up real early! Screw their feelings, destroy their pathetic innocence... Oh sweet Jebus I can't go on with this for so long. Please don't have kids.

VooDooCarrie91 19

And this is why all of the 13 year old girls think they're ready for a baby. Don't deny your kids a right to be kids.

redmane 21

When I found out about Santa not being real I didn't really give a ****. I was 7. I didn't care about the story. I just wanted presents.

beaglelover22 3

Wait!! SANTA'S NOT REAL???!!!!!

So you have never had chocolate, EVER !!? Some one get OP a Snickers bar!!