By Anonymous - 03/10/2010 18:52 - United States

Today, I found out that instead of having four wisdom teeth, I have eight. They all have to be removed as soon as possible, which happens to be over the Christmas break. I get to spend my whole vacation in excruciating pain and a swollen face to boot. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 831
You deserved it 3 275

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Lilllly_1316 0

& there's "sumthing" called spell-check. :)

Sorry, OP! That's an unfortunate anomaly. :(



As soon as possible is 2 months away? Really it doesn't sound right since u said as soon as possible and apparently that's 2 months away.

KingDingALing 9

74- I don't think having 3 dicks is a good thing...

FYL OP. I got my 4 wisdom teeth out this summer and it was horrible! The blood in my mouth tasted so nasty I wanted to throw up! Only the first couple of days are horrible then in 2 weeks you'll be fine.

zp5 4

77 I agree. you can only ********** with two because you only have two arms! D: that leaves the third one all sad and just sittin there... that would be dick assault!

cradle6 13

it's not that bad. you'll spend a few days in a daze. I didn't even have any pain due to the painkillers.

I'm doing the same thing. quit complaining it's inevitable.

lissa922 6

I know ur pain I had ankle surgery over christmas break last year

joshsgirlfriendd 0

hahaha my wisdom teeth never grew :D and OP's story is totally credible because all sorts of weird stuff can happen with teeth. like when my cousin and I were 9 she had a tooth grow in the middle of the roof of her mouth (like not even near her teeth) and she would show me it and wiggle it but a couple months later she got it removed. ya, weird I know.

Exactly the same thing happened to a friend of mine, but instead of removing the teeth, they moved it into the correct place lol

boatkicker 4

Oh that it weird. I've got 3 extra teeth in my mouth (two extras on top, one extra on the bottom) They're super tight together too. My dentist was giving me a hard time about flossing once, and I tried to explain to him that I simply couldn't get floss between my teeth. He tried and couldn't do it either. I ended up getting a water pick, but my teeth are rather frustrating already. I'm dreading when my wisdom teeth come in. There isn't any room for them in my mouth.

KlaysonRoque 0

just got all four of mine removed yesterday sucks ass! and I'm in so much pain all I do is sleep! my cheeks are so swollen my boyfriend asked what I had in my mouth hahaha! so all the luck to you!

That is nothing compared to what I have to get. This Christmas I have to get jaw surgery. My cheeks will be swollen for half a year and my jaw will be wired shut for six weeks. And I'm supposed to get my driver's license in January.

whoa dude... put that shit up as an fml!! that's craz sucky!!