By cowgurl91 - 13/01/2010 21:40 - France

Today, I found out that my boyfriend was going to propose to me about three months ago. I was completely surprised and asked why he didn't. At that time, I had told him to stop looking at me like that and go buy me some damn tacos. I was 2 months pregnant then. Now he wants to wait a couple of years. FML
I agree, your life sucks 13 262
You deserved it 42 388

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Can you blame him for not asking to marry you when you're being rude to him like that? It looks like it hit him hard because he still remembers what you said to him. It's nice to see you guys have a pretty good line of communication, but I wouldn't hold this against him. All the thought was there. If it bums you out so much, maybe you should be the one asking him to marry you.

Sun_Kissed18 25

She said pregnant, not civilized


At least your kid will be smart, if it takes after dad.

Normally I'm a very nice very sweet person, but when I was pregnant with my children I had raging bitch moments. When you have a mad craving and it's not in the house it can be very frustrating. I seriously started crying because I wanted a salad and didn't have the right kind of lettuce in the house or a way to get to the store that day....stupid blizzard.

uh...when your pregnant, you have mood swings. soo don't hate

Doesn't mean you can be a bitch all the time. YDIx100.

Maddoctor 10

Wow, Isaac. For all we know she may be the sweetest person you'd ever meet, but because she is pregnant and has tons of hormones raging through her because she is carrying another human's life, she may have snapped at her boyfriend on this one occasion. I hope if you ever have a wife/girlfriend who becomes pregnant, you know what is coming, because it sounds like you seem to think going nine months with a baby inside of you is a walk in the park.

I'm really doubting this guy had a kid with AND postponed a proposal out to a couple years on one moody snap. I'm thinking this is a common thing/excuse the OP uses that made the guy seriously reconsider marrying her. I'm sure it's not a walk in the park.. but it's still no reason or excuse to treat others like shit. There are other ways to find outlets for your moods.

Maddoctor 10

Ok but this is still all speculative. We don't know what the OP is like all the time. She may actually be a bitch, we have no clue. For all we know she may have said this comment in jest, said it rudely and then apologized, said it rudely and did not apologize, or may have done something after this incedent that made her boyfriend want to postpone their marriage with a baby on the way. We have no idea, so we can't call her a bitch based off of one concrete comment.

capthavoc123 0

Two months pregnant doesn't give you the right to be a bitch. You need to be at least third trimester before any sort of bitchy behavior is understandable. FFS, at 8 weeks, you aren't even showing yet. Grow up!

@capthavoc just ******* wow. I'm 8 weeks right now and I am showing, and yes, you do get mood swings this early, try the simplest ******* google search on symptoms and you'll see that. "You have to be 3rd trimester for bitchy behaviour to be understandable" are you ******* kidding me? I just love being told by a man what I can and cannot do, how MY body reacts and what being pregnant is like. No its not a license to go mad but YOU have NFI what it's like, you have moments you really don't feel like yourself and no you don't in that moment have logical trains of thought. I am lucky enough to have a partner who is very understanding, I'm damn glad I don't have one like you.

Newbie21 1

@33 u took the words right out of my mouth

hmmm you were pregnant b4 you were married to him ?

Dr_Pepper_fml 3

is that a problem? and OP, LMFAO.

well it just seems odd and oh well bastard child it is thenn :P

How old are you? Maybe a hundred years ago it was odd. These days, I have more unmarried friends who are parents than I have friends who are married and have kids. I don't plan on having kids before getting married, (then again, neither did most of my unmarried friends with kids), but it's hardly surprising.

So you're saying you have ***** for friends?

ScaryRobot: Are you married? No? And you've had sex? Really? God, you're a *****. Why do you even continue living?

Mainly out of some sense that I must continue to exist to continue to piss off the universe.

kozmikstarz 0

So what? You are still together. Consider yourself lucky.

I was thinking of saying YDI but then I realised that you were pregnant, and so your hormones would have been out of control, and he should've realised that.