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By Anonymous - 04/06/2015 12:26 - United States - San Bruno

Today, I told my boyfriend I was horny and was waiting for him at my place. 30 minutes later, he still hadn't arrived, so I called him and asked if he was coming. He replied "Already did, right into a kleenex." and hung up. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 540
You deserved it 4 448

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Next time he comes on to you, just pull out a box of Kleenex and walk away

lexiieeex3 32

Well that's inconsiderate of him...


Greenteamextreme 16

This is when OP should bid him farewell by mailing him a box of lube and tissues to help him on his way in life. Maybe a mirror aswell seeing as he prefers his own company so much.

imkool136 22

Umm. You should talk to him? Let him know that you would've liked something more physical maybe? Either way, good luck and I hope that you can get your own needs satisfied as well.

nonsensical 26

I don't know... that kind of reaction makes it seem like he was mad at her before that even happened. Maybe there's more to the story?

Gotta get back to the video games I guess

Rocklegend_16 15

That's definitely grounds for dumping his sorry ass

No one is entitled to sex in a relationship, although he could've been more polite about it

"Oh no, he rejected me even though he's my boyfriend, time to dump him!" Does that not sound stupid to you?

NotGabe 28

Keh. Always so quick to pull the "dump him!" card on here.

mikeman1744 18

Don't you think that might be a slight overreaction #5?

There's always that one commenter...

I agree with #5. it's not that he won't have sex, it's the way in which she was rejected. She was trying to be sexy. He was disrespectful, and yes.. deserves to be dumped.

Intimacy is always a tricky topic, it's where you're most vulnerable. The way OPs boyfriend treated OP reflects the respect he holds for her, he clearly doesn't care is she feels rejected or embarrassed, so yes I would say if it's ongoing then it's time to move on.

leogachi 15

@66 Immediately breaking up with him would be hasty. She should at least discuss it with him and make sure he knows he was being rude when he hung up on her. I can see why this would be a the road, but not being able to move past it is extreme.

Lol just because he didn't wanna **** her she needs to dump him? You need to grow up.

ninety 25

The way I interpret is not bc he wouldn't sleep with her, but the way he handled the situation. His reply was one sentence after which he just hung up on her. What he said and how he said it was just pretty douchey in general, unless of course there's more to the story, like they had been fighting before or something.

lexiieeex3 32

Well that's inconsiderate of him...

Why is it? It's different when it's the other way round and guys want to have sex and they are rejected, why should it be the same for her, maybe the guy just didn't feel like having sex and relieved himself another way doesn't mean he's in the wrong.

It's not a problem that he didn't want to have sex. What was inconsiderate was how he went about rejecting it. He should have texted her promptly with a "sorry, not right now" rather than making her wait half an hour and then giving a response that implied that a kleenex was better company than her.

gender roles have nothing to do with this story. it would be the same if a girl turned down her man. its still inconsiderate

#34 Maybe because he HUNG UP ON HER. That's pretty inconsiderate and rude to me. Not only that, but she asked him a question and he was a smartass with his response before doing so.

SpartyOnWayne 18

Find a new boyfriend, OP. Sounds like he's in a better relationship with his right hand :P

It's always "girls have ******" and "guys have hands". Why can't girls have fingers and guys have fleshlights? I am a SJW: Sexual Justice Warrior!

leogachi 15

I think it's just easier to assume that the guy doesn't have a fleshlight because they're not as common as ******. It's not that he CAN'T have one, it's just easier to assume that he doesn't.

#72 - You're triggering me with your sexual discrimination. I'm getting flashbacks of all the times I was told having a blowup doll was gross.

Next time he comes on to you, just pull out a box of Kleenex and walk away

Definitely read this wrong the first time

Even if I were this guy, I'd still be on my way over. If not for seconds for myself, but because who doesn't enjoy a little taste of sweet cherry pie?

She's my cherry pie. Cool drink of water such a sweet surprise. Taste so good make a grown man cry. Sweet cherry pie!

You and me both, 25... I was very confused as to how this would help.

expectations lead to disappointment