By MickeyDManager - 03/08/2009 15:08 - United States

Today, I found out that the girl I tutored in high school in basic ENGLISH just received her PhD in Biophysics. I am now the manager of a McDonald's. I was also the Valedictorian of our graduating class. FML
I agree, your life sucks 44 670
You deserved it 39 189

Same thing different taste

Top comments

LOL #1. You do know that Biophysics doesn't have that much of a correlation to English, right? You should get up and DO something about your situation instead at looking at what others are doing.

at least you're manager and not an employee :D


YDI man! that's why you give for throwing your life away for a gross fast food restaurant!

falloutgurl517 0

Well, that is your fault, now, isn't it? While you could have gone to college and university and worked towards your PhD, you chose to work at McDonalds.... So, I'm gonna say YDI. Maybe I'm wrong, maybe you did go to college but I'm assuming that you could be working harder towards what you apparently want.

The girl that you tutored clearly has brains, how else would she be able to get a PhD in biophysics? And as for you, where you are now is the result of the choices that you've made in your life. dont blame her for becoming more successful than you, you've got no one to blame but yourself.

Maybe if You actually knew anything worth a Damn you Would stop capitalizing Random words for No reason and would have a Superior career going for you rather than only being good At schoolwork

1. Valedictorian is nothing much to brag about. High school is easy. I know a few valedictorians that are dumb as shit but they did their homework. 2. It's your job to work out your college education. 3. A PhD does not guarantee a job.

I once knew a girl whom was "validictorian[sic]". Nuff said.

I don't think a high school gpa has anything to do with your level of intelligence. I tend to lean more towards ACT/SAT/AP scores in order to determine if someone is smart. I took all honors in high school, never studied for test, and I still ended up with a 3.36 gpa unweighted. However, I got a 28 on my ACT, a 5 on my AP Calculus AB Exam, a 3 on my AP English Literature Exam, and I got 3 hours of college credit in US History for passing a CLEP Exam. In other words, smarts aren't determined by gpa at all. So what if you were Valedictorian; if you didn't go to college and do the work, you obviously deserve to be employed at McDonalds.

curryndricegirll 0

get off the internet and go get me some fries with my big mac

letitbe56 0

Did anyone ask for your test scores? How do they help illustrate your point? Seriously, sharing scores is pretty crass. Don't do it. As far as AP scores go, they're usually only helpful when compared with your grade in the course. For example, you might have gotten a 3 on an AP, but still gotten an A in the class, despite the fact that a 3 indicates you would have gotten a C in a college setting. (ie, C/3 is average, B/4 is good, A/5 is excellent). But if you were getting an A and then got a 3, it shows that you weren't properly prepared by the course for the test. Scores are tricky. SAT's are mostly useless, and high school grades tend to be a better indicator of aptitude than SAT scores (although again, if your grades are way better than your SAT scores, it says something about how rigorous your high school is). Basically, neither grades nor test scores should ever be judged separately.

congrats on your scores and "great" gpa. all this really tells about you is that you're lazy- clearly you could have studied and done better. and, in case you're wondering, i got a 32.

These are bad times for people. People shouldn't judge you for working at McDonald's - the fact is, you're working.

stop worrying about other people, and try to do something with your life. great that you're a manager, but is that what you see yourself as, a McD manager for the rest of your life? I say go to college, figure out what you want in life. There's plenty of pell grants/student loans out there. The person you tutored English prob wasn't their first language, but that doesn't mean they weren't smart, had plans for their lives and went forth with it. Good luck..