By MickeyDManager - 03/08/2009 15:08 - United States

Today, I found out that the girl I tutored in high school in basic ENGLISH just received her PhD in Biophysics. I am now the manager of a McDonald's. I was also the Valedictorian of our graduating class. FML
I agree, your life sucks 44 670
You deserved it 39 189

Same thing different taste

Top comments

LOL #1. You do know that Biophysics doesn't have that much of a correlation to English, right? You should get up and DO something about your situation instead at looking at what others are doing.

at least you're manager and not an employee :D


rustyrox 0

maybe you should have gone to college... not too late!

you wanted to be a manger at McDonald's clearly the girl didnt want to. you could have went to college and got the same phd but you didnt its your fault and no one elses. you might be smart but clearly wanted to flip burgers all your life eh?? if you want to get somewhere in life you have to work hard and push yourself cause nothing falls from the sky other than rain snow etc

fxdxhk90 0

Jeez, your life peaked in high school? That really sucks,

Unfortunately, the OP appears to be a spectacular example of wasted potential.

curryndricegirll 0

YDI, and I have nothing else to say to you.

YDI. I'm guessing you were either too lazy to go to college or had financial problems. With the laziness, its your own fault. If it was financial, its till a YDI because many schools take finances into account, and there are such things as community colleges. Also, just because she was bad at English doesn't mean she's bad at everything else. The school I go to is mainly engineering/science, and many of us are better at analytical things then we are at speaking/writing English. If you had wanted it bad enough, you could have gotten it. Stop complaining.

As a side note: Many of us who go to my school were born with English as a natural language, and we'd still prefer to do organic chem and differential equations to identifying adverbs and adjectives.

I know many schools take financial into account if the OP had a financial situation, and I don't know if it's the same in the States, but in Canada, it's mostly parental income that is counted. The OP could have had well-to-do, or even just average parents financial-wise, but was expected to pay for their own tuition and didn't have the money to do so, but was unable to get financial aid through the university due to the parents being over the poverty line. A lot of financial aid programs also don't take debt into account; I had a friend whose father made a 6-digit salary and mom made a good amount too, but they were crazy in debt, but my friend wasn't offered any financial support because all the program saw was how much her parents made, not the debt they were in.

#159 - The flaw with that argument is that as a valedictorian, he could have EASILY gotten a scholarship from at least a mediocre university. That's better than not going to school at all.

YDI for thinking that being smart is synonymous with speaking fluent english. Wow this is why us Americans are so hated, because of people like you. She came to this county, learned the language and used to system to her advantage, her not knowing English in no way makes he unintelligent. You're from virginia? Red-neck capital of the county? no im just kidding, but for-real, get a life.

klutzywriter 0

How the heck were you Valedictorian and not go to college? Even if you were poor you would have gotten a scholarship YDI

Deal with it. At least you're in a GOOD job, MAKING money. The valedictorian of my boyfriend's graduating class is a prostitute. At least you didn't sink THAT low.

1. Since when the USA is the only place where you can get a PhD in Biophysics? 2. English isn't the only language in the world, you know? It's likely that she was an immigrant, hence, English wasn't her first language. 3. The fact that you had to tutor her in English doesn't, by any means, make her less of a person than you. In fact, if she didn't know the language and still got a PhD, that actually makes her smarter than you don't you think? Unless flipping burgers has burned the little amount of neurons you had left. 4. Being the Valedictorian doesn't make you the smartest of your class, it just proves you were responsible with your grades. 5. If you think so highly of yourself, why are you working at McDonald's? 6. Her not being fluent in English doesn't make her stupid. What if she's I don't know... Russian? Do you speak Russian? No? Oh, nevermind that, you're really stupid regardless (:

This was an almost orgasmic explication with the highest caliber of bitchery. It was an honor to read, and I'm being completely sincere. Thank you, and God bless. :D