By doesnttastegood - 01/02/2010 10:23 - United Kingdom

Today, I found out that whilst I was asleep last night, my boyfriend was playing on his XBox. I also found out that whenever he unlocked a new level, achievement or just generally beat someone's ass, he would celebrate by pulling out one of his pubes and putting it in my mouth. FML
I agree, your life sucks 120 654
You deserved it 13 970

Same thing different taste

Top comments

What kind of twisted ritual is that? What compelled him to think that up?

skyeyez9 24

drink lots of prune juice, then fart in his mouth when he's in a deep sleep.


take a shitty diarhea dump on his face in HIS sleep

EV34 6

ha you shud definately do that

What do you mean? Girls cant poop its a known fact

but in this book it says that everybody poops

211 grow the **** up. are you 12? what's with some guys and there profound stupidity thinking girls don't poop. everybody poops get over it and stop making the rest of us look like immature retards

Tell him to shave down there or no sex. Gets rid of the problem and forces him to slowly Get Over Himself

uhohuscrewedup 0

so have u been coughing up hairballs?

pq1111 0

hahahaha nice one. funniest response to a comment ever

renaet 0

@121 WIN! I award you +2 internets.

xxhappyninjaxx 0

I loled that made me smile :•]

sarcdude 3
AntiChrist7 0
youthink_fml 0

I'm sure this isn't the first time he acted like a childish asshole but you're still with him. YDI.

I'd love to find out how you found out... is he dumb enough no only to do it in the first place, but tell you about it too? Time for a new bf. YDI if you don't break up.

It's one thing to do it, another to boast or tell that they did it.