By 420curse - 05/05/2015 18:20 - United States - San Mateo
Same thing different taste
By anon - 15/09/2012 05:35 - United States - Rocklin
By GladYoureConcerned - 30/12/2014 18:15 - United States - Glendale
By Anonymous - 18/03/2021 08:01
By crier - 27/08/2013 18:34 - United States - Norfolk
Can't wait for the next time
By cowboy_gold - 25/01/2020 05:00
By Anonymous - 08/04/2011 23:42 - United States
Sexy time
By Anonymous - 17/10/2009 02:27 - United States
By MALICEG - 26/05/2012 07:00 - United States - Oklahoma City
By Whoopsie - 25/07/2018 05:00
By Matti - 17/08/2018 22:00
Top comments
People aren't going to stop in the middle of sex, get dressed, and then go have a nice chat. That ruins the mood. Some loud shouts about the noise alerts the neighbor to the issue and if they are nice they will quiet down some.
If I lay in bed at night, trying to sleep and my neighbours were too loud, I'd also yell at them to be quiet rather than getting dressed and knocking on their door which they most definitely won't even open. FYL OP, there's no way you could have known that.
you didn't know so just go say sorry.
I'm sorry, apologize and be more considerate towards people because you don't know what they are going through :)
Omg . LMAO.
Time to seize this opportunity to make sure you apologize!
what do you call seven epileptics wrapped in tin foil? wrigleys.
"Uncontrolable seizure" : I am not sure controlable seizures exist. ^^
That's called "spazzing out" I think, if you take that saying literally xD
Well i think shes describing a tonic_clonic seizure where your muscle contract and relax crazily making a large seizure that most people know if rather than an absent or focal seizure which its difficult to tell someone is even having one during those
aww I hope he's ok!
FYL OP, you couldn't have known. People will say what they "would have done" or what you "should have done" differently but its b.s. Hindsight is 20/20.
I still think any decent person should calmly confront people, not yell irrationally.
are you saying you've never had a moment where you yelled at someone? everyone has their moments, and OP couldn't have possibly known that their neighbor was having a seizure.
I say YDI... you don't just yell at people without talking to them first like a civilized person. Maybe then you would have had the chance to understand that it was a seizure and avoided looking like a jerk.
#27 I read it like OP had heard the sex noises the night before, and came over the day after to yell at them where they learned their neighbor was having a seizure
or we could go ahead and not yell through walls and talk to the person the next day or after the noise has stopped.... down vote me all you want but I still see no reason to yell at people. Act like adults...
@26 did I say knock during? no I'm pretty sure I did not. I was simply stating you don't have to yell.... its unnecessary.
Easier said than done to wait 'til the next day when you have to be awake in four hours to go to work or something similar. Don't be a pushover if someone being an inconsiderate ass. Nine times out of ten, it won't be someone have a seizure, it'll be someone who doesn't have the self awareness to be quiet during sex.
I think a simple apology will help. Check in once and awhile and make sure things are ok. it will be appreciated
I think an apology would do nicely....