By WiltedFlower - 31/07/2009 16:02 - United States

Today, I gave my wife of four years a special anniversary gift: a red rose dipped in liquid gold so that she would cherish and admire it forever. She told me it was too "Italian" looking. I now have a hundred dollar rose sitting in my office. FML
I agree, your life sucks 57 254
You deserved it 6 386

Same thing different taste

Top comments

No offense, but your wife is an ignorant bitch.

boatkicker 4

aww. I'm sorry. that sucks. What does too "Italian" mean? whats wrong with italian looking things?


zombie_pie 0

You obviously should have given her your dick in a box.

Oh, hey-! Next time she says something you give her/do for her is "too Italian", tell her "Yeah, well so's your moustache." If she's going to be a bitch, might as well give her a reason.

OMG that is thee most romantic thing EVER you can always give it to me :) god your wife is a stupid bitch!

mehwhateverr 0

What....the ****? Too Italian-looking? What kind of an idiot is she? FYL, OP. First for living with a moron and second for wasting that money. That gift sounds really sweet.

fuzluv95 0

wow, really? "too italian-looking"? that bitch is lucky to have you in her life--and that is SO romantic! she doesn't deserve to be with you

themixedt4pe 0

OP you sound like a great guy. I'm sorry you picked out a present that your wife didn't like... I know if someone had bought me a gold dipped red rose I would have absolutely melted. Of course I have a sweet spot for roses... but know you weren't completely crazy for buying it, because it was a sweet gift that I'm sure lots of women would have appreciated it more than your wife did. Maybe you should try selling it on eBay. xD

spawn_of_satan 0

what a bitch i'd attempt to sell it

x0_blonde 0

wow. i dont know what to say about your wife, but i'm really sorry about that. i know that i would like have a heart attack if someone gave me that. as for you? you are seriously romantic and that is like one of the sweetest things i've ever heard. and what's wrong with itialian?!

bongoboy 0

some people are just stuck up and ungreatful :|