By italy1986 - 13/04/2009 19:41 - United States

Today, I got 20% tints on my car. As I'm driving home, a cop pulls me over. I didn't want to ruin my new tint by opening my window, so I opened my door as the cop approached. He then pulled out his gun and yelled "GET ON THE FUCKING GROUND!" before I could explain. FML
I agree, your life sucks 42 598
You deserved it 58 289

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Ahahaa. Dude, they get scared if you do that. LOL cop fail!

Dude, don't open the door unless the cop asks you to. YDI.


curious_missy 1

i see the problem...and i also see an easy solution: a removable adhesive that says "windows have been tinted on __ day. Will only roll windows down in 2 days. Thank you." I bet no companies have thought of that to warn any cops that you're not an automatic threat!

Tint is measured backwards geographically, that is to say one man's 20% is another's 80%. I think the OP has 20% [i]blocked[/i] not 20% [i]through[/i]. Hopefully that will clear some posts up. I want to blame the traffic cop, but I can see where he's coming from. Best thing to do is to wait in the car with your hands visible, then explain that your windows don't work when the officer is there so that he knows why you're opening the door. Everyone in this forum needs to take two chill pills and a troll-B-gone tablet, apparently.

next time u should w8 until he gets to the window, show him ur hands and slowly go to open the door. then explain that y

jdkfgkjdfb 0

I feel really dumb right now…what does YDI stand for, and why would the police get suspicious about tinting?

#20 you make me sick. Cops HAVE to come off aggressive because they're trying to defend their lives, their partner's lives, and YOUR LIFE. You're an asshole and I hope you need a cop's assistance and don't get it one day. I know a lot of cops and they're all wonderful people. I'd like to see you do what they do, you prick.

#28, cops don't know what their walking into when they pull over a car. They could be pulling someone over for speeding, only to find out that he's driving so fast because he's fleeing a crime where he just killed 6 people. They play it save. You open your car door, you become a threat. He wasn't acting power hungry. #45, cops can say pretty much anything they want to you. And rarely will they get into trouble for it, because they're cops. Sexual harassment and racial terms are about all they can't get away with. And tinting varies state to state on what's legal. IL is not the same as AZ laws. Although, the poster's only telling us about the tinting. He vary well could have been doing something else that caused the cop to pull him over in the first place. He should have been smart enough to explain that he couldn't open the window once the cop was at his car, then he'd have permission to slowly open the door or do whatever the cop felt comfortable with him doing at the time.

5bye7 0

my drivers side window is broken so i open the door, never bothered any cop

hope you couldve exlpained, that cop is a spazz -_x

#64 YDI stands for You Deserve It, and the police could be suspicious for various reasons. Tinted windows can often be associated with drug dealers and the likes, but might also be associated with street racing (but that's just a guess; however a lot of random things are associated with street racing like the model/colour of one's car, how many doors it has, so it would make sense for tinting to be connected to racing as well)

Why were you stopped? Speeding? You should have shot the cop. There is no reason for police to regulate the speeds on a highway. Infact most people can safely judge the speeds they need to be going. Its when you have stupid people speeding, and talking on their cellphone, and eating watermelon that accidents occur. I dont mean to offend any cops, my sister is a cop. i was joking about "You should have shot the cop"