By Anonymous - 09/04/2015 15:10 - United States

Today, I got a 'Good Morning' text from my boyfriend. Since I hadn't gotten one of those in a while, I thought it was rather nice. That is, until I saw the picture that accompanied it. It was of him, sitting on the toilet and taking a shit. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 659
You deserved it 3 871

Same thing different taste

Top comments


Hahahaha this is brilliant and hilarious!! I received a similar one. I laughed so much that I woke up my sister.

Time to flush your dreams of romance.

If you love the morning texts you gotta love the morning routine.

Epickitty58 29

At least he's involving you in his life. Not in the best way, but it's a start.

Any morning you take a shit is a good morning when you've been constipated.

drunk_crow 12

Who said he was constipated

No one. It was a humorous speculation.

Don't worry folks, I thought it was hilarious and I laughed so hard I was crying. Just thought it would make a good FML!

bahaha! THAT Is love on a whole 'nother level!

A_Little_Girl77 12

Lol, right? You know you love someone when you take pictures of yourself pooping. I thought everybody knew that. XD

allynicki14 16
mads_nicole 19