By Anonymous - 26/04/2011 02:37 - United Kingdom

Today, I got a letter back from the family I will be staying with as a part of an exchange program. Apparently they own a slaughterhouse type farm, and I'm expected to kill one of their animals and eat it as a gift from the family. I'm a vegan. FML
I agree, your life sucks 42 272
You deserved it 19 428

Same thing different taste

Top comments

what kind of animal? and do you have to eat the whole thing? these are important questions.

KristinaKreme 0

Woah! At least they didn't threaten to kill you in the slaughter house! For a second I thought that's where the FML was going!


emmkaycee 0

YDI for being vegan, but more for not expecting a family overseas to want you to eat meat.

Why do they deserve it for being vegan?!

Countries with such traditions don't suite everyone. Chances are you'd need to put up with other "gifts" when you got there. Cancel the trip.

chanma 0

oh wow that's more sad for the animals

Get the **** over it. You're an omnivore, just like every other human on the planet. You not eating meat isn't going to save any animals, and people don't think you're cool just because you're a vegan. You were born to eat meat. Suck it up.

The key part of this, is the "I got a letter back". Now, anyone with two braincells can see that means you already sent them a letter. Why the **** didn't you mention that you were a vegan in your letter? What were you going to do? Just turn up and let them know on the day? If you have any dietary requirements at all, and are going to stay with someone for any length of time, if you don't tell them in advance of that, anything you have to deal with is your own fault. Thank them for the offer, tell them you're incredibly grateful for their generosity, then politely explain that you're a vegan, explain what that is if their country is unfamiliar with such absurdities, and decline as politely as you can.

pinkpicture 0

its amazing how stupid some people are. they know nothing about vegans, yet they openly bash them asif they killed their mother or something. vegans are helping U and the world, reagrdless if u know them or not. be thankful!! jerks!

ReynshineCutting 10

And how exactly are vegans helping the world? By saving meat for the rest of us? I don't have a problem if someone is vegan as long as THEY get their facts straight and stop believing all the lies fed to them by PETA.

what the **** is wrong with you? a vegan might as well save the earth som oxygen and go ahead and die.

iwouldliketocomm 0

I really find it pathetic how many people are bashing the op. Get over yourselves. Does it really matter whether it is for dietary,ethical, or religious reasons that they don't eat meat? What is this big thing about proving how tough and macho you are because you eat meat? Most of you probably just go to the grocery store and buy meat from god knows where. Yeah, eating the decaying remains of a tortured animal makes you such a badass. Grow up. Furthermore to the people saying chicken and fish aren't a book.

ReynshineCutting 10

Maybe you should be the one to go read a book. You clearly are a little brainwashed PETA follower who doesn't know the first thing about how food animals are treated.