By Username - 13/04/2011 07:05

Today, I got attacked by my own dog. I don't know what will be harder, telling everyone how my dog thought I was a robber or explaining to them why a 25 year old man owns a poodle. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 320
You deserved it 16 497

Same thing different taste

Top comments

the poodle doesn't bother me. but I would like to know why your dog thought you were a burglar. lol

I am confused at why it's so hard to explain that your dog attacked you. Owning a poodle, fair enough though.


Caring about what people might think of you because of their silly stereotypes is the real FML. I wasn't supposed to be answering to #17

By the way, learn the origin of the breed, poodles are far from being cute little dogs gay and grandmas own and put a coat on for fashion.

AnotherChemMajor 0

Lets hope it was a standard poodle... You know what they say about toy poodle's owners....

What's so wrong about owning a poodle? They're incredibly smart and loyal dogs. I'm disappointed in people who think little of this wonderful breed. Obviously, you are in the wrong with the event that happens. And, at 25, you should know that you don't need to explain anything to anyone. You chose that dog, be proud of it.

Hey, poodles can be badass. In "Faust," the devil first appears as a black poodle who then MORPHS INTO THE DAMN DEVIL. I never thought of them the same way after that. The regular ones, anyway, not the mini ones.

RainbowHeadache 2

Depends on the kind of poodle you own. Those gargantuan ones or a tea cup. Now that I think about it.. Either way, you own a poodle. YDI

Why would you have to specifically tell people that you own a poodle? Just say your dog attacked you and don't mention the breed.

MegamiKaosu 28

guess what, guess what!!!!........ you don't need to say it was a poodle to begin with "(time) my dog thought I was a burglar!" if they ask... it's a curly haired mutt owe