By Fmycatslife - 26/07/2009 23:18 - United States

Today, I got my cat stuffed after her death. I brought her home and set her down by my couch. I guess my dog thought it was a new chew toy. FML
I agree, your life sucks 20 886
You deserved it 78 222

Same thing different taste

Top comments

you deseved it for getting your cat stuffed in the first place thats ******* creepy


Y would u stuff a cat because it would just be STARING at you EVERYDAY and I honestly would think that was REALLY CREEPY

littlebluepill 1

I'm guessing you're single.....and will no doubt remain that way.

jennifernorvell 7
niqromero 11

Who is gods great earth stuffs there pet?!?! O.o

Jechtael 10

I try to avoid crudity, but in homage to the great Leslie Nielsen: Nice pussy. Did you just get it stuffed?

MilkyFilmz 26

You must be one of the cat ladies

Don't put stuffed animals next to a couch. Especially if you have a dog. Sorry for your loss, but YDI

Yeliab333 20

I think its so creepy when people stuff animals O.o