By Anonymous - 25/07/2014 21:18 - United Kingdom - Ilkeston

Today, I got rear-ended because my ultra-clingy girlfriend wouldn't let go of my hand long enough for me to shift gears. FML
I agree, your life sucks 48 608
You deserved it 11 733

Same thing different taste

Top comments

think its time to have a talk with her

AnOriginalName 19

At first I thought that said you rear-ended your girlfriend, OP. I guess it's unfortunate for you that you didn't.


If she's THAT clingy as to not let you shift gears, I say it's time to end it with her.

Next time have her put her hand on your thigh, it works much better.

Time to have a talk with that girl. It's better if things are just said instead of sitting. Even if you break up she can use that as a future feedback lesson OP. Good luck

ninad7 12

she must have one right grip

Aero_x 21

She could cost you your lives. Literally. Maybe you should leave her? Or invest in an automatic!

Honestly I'd rather leave her than change my car. Cars cost money, partners can cost less. Plus, manual is more fun than automatic.

the relationship is geared to shift in a new direction... or maybe its time for a break... anyone? no... ok...

Enough of the puns, you need to park it!

Sounds like my friend's girl who would freak out and have a tantrum like a 2 year old child if he wouldn't cut her burrito in half.

rachangie 19

What in the hell? Is he dating a small child??

I know a friend of mine who didn't even know the girl considered them dating until it was too late.

rachangie 19

It sounds like you need to have a conversation with her about how shifting works and if she's THAT clingy maybe you should have another talk with her as well...was she afraid that you would somehow disappear right out of the car if she let go?? Ridiculous.

lilbillXD 16

Its better to take a Auto-Gear car, May be she'll be impressed