By Anonymous - 07/06/2013 22:00 - United States

Today, I got to drive my mom's car. I'd recently watched the new Fast and Furious movie, I thought it'd be fun to drift around a few corners. I ended up smashing straight into someone's front yard. FML
I agree, your life sucks 21 102
You deserved it 119 795

Same thing different taste

Top comments

There is no possible scenario in which you don't deserve this.


Trained professional drivers and actors... All the more reason why you should apparently be able to stunt recklessly right? YDI.

RemyX1 7

Hey Man vehicles are cool but they are also powerful machines you have to respect them Ive seen what what happens to careless drivers its not pretty.

I saw that too. The very first thing they rolled at the end of the movie before the closing credits was THESE STUNTS ARE PERFORMED BY PROFESSIONALS ON A CLOSED TRACK DONT TRY THIS ANYWHERE FOR ANY REASON more or less. And yet you did. YDI, OP.

I remember thinking the warning wasn't needed. How wrong I was.

It's still not needed because people like OP just do it anyway

They have special drifting tires and not surprisingly they are not on your moms car...

How old are you, 16? No one drives their parents car like that

RainbowInput 8

You definitely deserved that. It's a fake movie, with fake characters,and fake special effects, etc.

therealafroninga 10

Alot of the stunts are real, and performed by drifting/race pros.

Wow, I just can't believe someone old enough to drive a car could possibly be that stupid.

Gah. That comma splice. And you're an idiot for trying that.

VampObsessed 16

Jason Statham!! On another note: you totally deserved this.