By AdamFoundHisEve - 25/05/2010 19:08 - France

Today, I had a dream about toasting with champagne. Whilst asleep, I extended my hand to toast, then brought my hand to my mouth to "drink the bubbly." I knocked over the glass of water I keep on my bedside table. My iPhone is now ruined, and in shock of my wet arm, I jerked backward headbutting my wife's face. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 690
You deserved it 7 599

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Sucks, next time don't leave your phone by liquids, or get an awesome case like I have. How'd your wife react?

XxXPeace2thelose 0


put your phone Ina bowl of rice for a day that will soak all the water out of it and it should be fine

JokingJoe 0

put ur iPhone in the freezer. I heard it works.

Throw your Ipod into a really ******* hot fire. I've been told it will dry it out.

I also heard that if you literaly shove your I-phone/touch up your ass and keep it there for 3 days no madder what happened to it it will be fixed

FreshSalad 1

The way you say "drink the bubbly" makes it sound like you were going to drink something else.... just sayin

peaceloveshaina 0

hm, iPhones are about to go on sale like majorlyyyy at america, lol.

And when I saw that on the news, I died a little on the inside. I should have waited.

I've gotten a whole glass of water spilled on my iPhone in the same manner and i just dried mine off and it was completely fine. no problems at all.