By CaoNiMa - 26/03/2009 15:42 - China

Today, I had my girlfriend over and we we're watching a movie in my basement. I run upstairs and pop a bag of popcorn. Later I come downstairs to find my 10 year old brother sitting next to my girlfriend saying," My brother always says he wants to screw your brains out, whatever that means". FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 846
You deserved it 74 867

Same thing different taste

Top comments

meaganwas 0

You have the best little brother ever.

That ten year old knew what he was saying. LOL.


Why would you say such things in the vicinity of a 10-year-old. Well, at least she's already your girlfriend so although she might be a little disturbed that you would say something like that around your brother, it's not like it's a dealbreaker. If you had just started seeing the girl, that would be a different story.

braFTW 0

Younger brothers, f*** your life since 19__ (or 20__ =P)

ElDiablo_fml 0

I just wanna point out that an 10 year old set you up in a matter of seconds, where its taken you this long.....

Why do people not watch what they say in front of kids?? It will come back to haunt you in one way or another, obbbbviously....

Jefe_fml 0

I'm sure she already knew that. Any semi-intelligent girl knows the first thing on a guy's mind...And yea kids have big mouths =p

synnerr 0

Dude, YDI. You don't say stuff like that to a 10 year old, they loves spilling. My sister did something similar.

you never know, she might like the idea. And 10 year old knew exactly what he was saying

Why are you saying those things about your girlfriend to your 10-year-old brother? And heaven forbid your girlfriend find out you're sexually attracted to her.

doomfromheaven 0

I think your lil bro just wanted to screw you...