By Trapped. - 06/11/2013 02:53 - United States - Birmingham

Today, I had planned to break up with my overbearing girlfriend. She went into complete denial mode, bought me a pair of oversized sunglasses and tomorrow we're going ice-skating. Kill me now. FML
I agree, your life sucks 46 966
You deserved it 11 611

Same thing different taste

Top comments


Maybe the sunglasses are in the black eye, she's going to give you the next time you try to break up with her.


Aw she sounds cute. Maybe you should reconsider.

buttcramp 21

man there's so much wrong with this!

Why did you agree with it then? Don't feel too bad for saying "no." You have the right to be happy.

Watch out, she might be the type to poke holes in your condoms or lie about birth control.

Nut Up, be firm and tell her it's over.

Ask her for anal now. You could prolly get away with it.

SuperMew 22

You need to not go out with her. Bring friends with you, get all your stuff, then tell her to back off. Don't show up for ice skating.

Stop giving in to her. Grow some balls and stick to your word!

Say, she's deceiving me It cuts my security has she got control of me Then turn to her and say... I won't wear the blades or the giant shades, oh no.

Mackay92 14

Grow some balls and tell her again then walk away for good it's not like she has you chained up to the radiator