By Anonymous - 14/10/2015 14:29 - United States - Atwater

Today, I had to grab a large kitchen knife from my son, after I heard him convince his friend to join him in cutting off his finger, so they could "be assassins like Ezio." FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 659
You deserved it 3 115

Same thing different taste

Top comments

TMO2142 25

Ezio has all his fingers though


RedPillSucks 31

future Darwin award winner, or psychopath

Well that's why the game is rated Mature, if he's too young to play that game then take it away until he at least hits his teens.

Personally, I'm quite amused/concerned at how many people are commenting on OP's son getting the name wrong instead of the fact that OP's son was about to cut his freakin' finger off.

schreibergx93 19

I do believe it's more a matter of someone may soon have a blade addiction. First a knife, next a hidden blade. Maybe soon we'll a follow up 'today, my son actually cut his finger off, FML.'

Holy shit I was seriously getting on this blog to pass time as the credits of ac brotherhood started and this is what I see...

Obviously that's not a good thing to do, but as an Assassin's Creed superfan I'm kind of screaming right now.

Id rather learn to climb and free run like Ezio

I'd love to climb trees like AC3+. But then again I have a crippling fear of heights... so maybe not.

I want to learn parkour, but I'd rather learn in a place made for it that's padded rather than the concrete.

Al atair on the other hand is missing a finger