By NeedaNosePlug - 26/01/2012 05:19 - United States

Today, I had to have a discussion with my 54-year-old mother about showering. She thinks it's perfectly OK to shower only once a week. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 291
You deserved it 3 217

Same thing different taste

Top comments

i hope she at least wears deoderant, or things would get bad pretty quickly. maybe she's trying to force you to move out? haha


sportsnut44 3

That's how often they shower in france. Of course...that's why they invented perfume

Nice stupid and old stereotype! We're not in the 17th century anymore. Time to move on...

unoffensivename 0

Its not okay to shower like that

florido_fml 10

Ayyyy I wish she was my mom, we are so alike!

luvnmomof2 0

We have a female roommate and I have noticed the same thing with her. She goes a few days without showering and then when she does she is in there for almost 2 hours...and she works in a warehouse. I shower even if I don't leave out of the house all day. I just don't get it!

Now that's what I call, a sticky situation.

Devin91 20

I'm curious to know whether this is a new thing for your mother??? Has she always skipped showers? I think there may be more to this... Hmmm

Old people don't have to shower as much as younger people. I work at a nursing home and most of the old people get showered twice a week, some prefer to only shower once a week.

Do the elder get a tin cup to bang on the door after you're done hosing them down for the week?