By NeedaNosePlug - 26/01/2012 05:19 - United States

Today, I had to have a discussion with my 54-year-old mother about showering. She thinks it's perfectly OK to shower only once a week. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 291
You deserved it 3 217

Same thing different taste

Top comments

i hope she at least wears deoderant, or things would get bad pretty quickly. maybe she's trying to force you to move out? haha


Conduct an anonymous poll on the subject from people that know her and you shall gain a win.

Yuck. I have no idea how they could stand bathing once a month. I feel gross if I don't shower every day.

Try an uncle who only showers once a year and wont listen to anyone

mama2b3 20

You think that's bad ... my father has a few baths a year and that's only when he gets really muddy in the garden :/

Not showering for a few days != not washing or having bad hygiene. There ARE alternatives for showering, you know. I'd say the only reason to complain would be when she does get bad body odour or looks dirty. Other than that I'd say it's no one's business but her own how often she showers.

54- Actually clawed foot tubs have been around since the 20's and are very small. A lot of homes in downtown New Orleans still have them.

And that's why alot of older people either half drown themselves in cologne/perfume or smell like....well, "old people"! Sorry your mom is such stank of a person OP. Maybe if you tel her you refuse to talk to her unless she showers more often because the smell makes you want to vomit, she'll get a clue.

is she making cheese in her under pants?

Miss33_fml 15

It is actually okay to not shower for a week. We have such a fear of germs that we don't realize that our body has its own natural defenses, and unless you've been digging in trash all day, you don't need to shower.

KiddNYC1O 20

Seriously though. In a hectic country like America, how can you keep odorless for a week?

I accidentally voted you down instead of up - my apologies. Glad some people look beyond modern society's standards :)