By NeedaNosePlug - 26/01/2012 05:19 - United States

Today, I had to have a discussion with my 54-year-old mother about showering. She thinks it's perfectly OK to shower only once a week. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 291
You deserved it 3 217

Same thing different taste

Top comments

i hope she at least wears deoderant, or things would get bad pretty quickly. maybe she's trying to force you to move out? haha


Evil genius. Take a hint op she wants you to go away..

Sounds like you're Indian. I bet she's too cheap to wash her Camry too

Invite her to go swimming every other day! Ocean or pool it'll help with any odor.

The chlorine smell might actually be worse.

I had the same problem with my mother.... She was washing her hair only once a month and I've never seen her with greasy hair. She had a nice sweet smell...

If she is 54 years old, you are way to old to e living at home bro.

That's not always true. I have a 17 year old brother, and my mother is 54 and my dad is 60. It happens.

TwinArmageddons 4

What's so wrong with that? Let her do what she wants, she'll pay for it when people won't want to be around her.

TwinArmageddons 4

What's so wrong with that? Let her do what she wants, she'll pay for it when people won't want to be around her.

How many FMLs would be so much different in context?