By futuremum - 22/03/2012 17:14 - United Kingdom - Bristol

Today, I had to yet again tell my mother-in-law that I wasn't going to name my unborn baby "Ermintrude" after her late mother. My husband told me to stop being difficult, and that he agrees that it would be nice. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 372
You deserved it 2 576

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Ermintrude is a name that you joke like ethelburga not one you name a child, they would be teased.


******* in-laws, they drive me insane! ermintrude? terrible! stand your ground, that's just horrible.

shlbymnstr 2

Not as bad as naming your child Rocket....and yes I had a friend that did that :|

^ Given the choice between those two names for myself, I'd still chose Rocket. ;)

Just fill out the birth certificate put what you want. you are the one having the baby not her

skyeyez9 24

I imagine your MIL's deceased mom also probably hated her name. If she was alive, she'd say Nooo! Don't do it! I was Bullied for years in school because of my name!

southerngirl05 3

I agree and sisters in laws too

Ermintrude is an unusual name...but...anyone who would bully a child for a name is a motherfucking ass. That being said, name the damn baby what you want because you are giving birth to the goddamn thing,not your goddamn mother in law!

Well.. Little kids can be cruel when it comes to things that are unique... My name (Adesuwa) isn't really something most people have heard, and when I was younger, I was teased all the time simply because they hadn't heard a Nigerian name before.

I'm teased because of my name: Bessie. I've been called a cow, yet I'm one of the skinniest in my class. Booger, in Cantonese.

My name is Asia. ******* Asia. I am not Asian, was never near the continent. But my sister's name is Reno, so I guess we both got screwed. I go by my middle name, Elizabeth. I never got "cow" jokes but I got a lot of guys telling me, "Hey, I was in Asia just this week..." or "I love Asia so much my dick will move there." Yea. I am legally changing my name this year.

And I thought Natalie was bad (thanks mom...)

Name her Trudermin or Truderie. To me, those sound better than Ermintrude and you can call her Tru(e) for short.

Seriously? That's almost as bad as Ermintrude. What's the point of switching one crappy name out for a different crappy name? Either way she'd get made fun of.

Ermintrude and Truderie sound like STD. "I am sorry Mr and Mrs Op, but your baby girl has a case of the congenital ermintrude. We have have to operate now." Why not name the child Horse Shite or ******** while they are at it, you know just cut off their social legs before they even get a chance. A good variation would be to name the child Emma Trudey, so something like that.