By futuremum - 22/03/2012 17:14 - United Kingdom - Bristol

Today, I had to yet again tell my mother-in-law that I wasn't going to name my unborn baby "Ermintrude" after her late mother. My husband told me to stop being difficult, and that he agrees that it would be nice. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 372
You deserved it 2 576

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Ermintrude is a name that you joke like ethelburga not one you name a child, they would be teased.


jazminadaire 2

I feel soooo bad for you. I was in the same situation. I used it as a middle name and said hey it's better than not at all. Good luck!!

That name sucks. Give the kid a chance for a normal life. Don't do it.

hateevryone 14

What kind of name is that? Really?

GMS1 7

Bitches need to mind their business.

TheyCallMeDamien 17

Give your child the name you want them to have. And giving in to your mother-in-law is a bad idea cause it sets a bad precedent for boundaries.

eyecon502 13 can't live with them, and they never die soon enough.

KaitlynxD 5

It's your child, if you don't want to name her that then don't. Suggest it as a middle name instead? You could always call her Minnie!

Ugh. Mother-in-laws are the worst. Mine didn't like the name my husband and I picked so she would pronounce it incorrectly in from of us and sigh really heavily if she had to tell anyone my daughter's name. Once the baby's out, they tend to get over it. It's like, yeah, keep picking on her name and you won't see her anymore.

You're gunna push it out of your ******, you can decide the name. End of story.

I would honestly hate my parents/step grandmother if they gave me a name like that... I'd get a name change as soon as I could.