By futuremum - 22/03/2012 17:14 - United Kingdom - Bristol

Today, I had to yet again tell my mother-in-law that I wasn't going to name my unborn baby "Ermintrude" after her late mother. My husband told me to stop being difficult, and that he agrees that it would be nice. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 372
You deserved it 2 576

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Ermintrude is a name that you joke like ethelburga not one you name a child, they would be teased.


Why do you expect? They're women hitlers

Bettinatron 3

My mom wanted to name me Ursula, but my dad chose Bettina. In my opinion, my dad saved my life. Save your baby's life.

Quidam_fml 0
MEM0817 18

Yeah! Get a divorce right before having the baby because they can't decide on a name that will please everyone. Next week make sure to legally file for separation when you can't agree on what to eat for dinner! Seriously wth.

MEM0817 18

The insane names people tell you to name your child. I had a guy offer me 1,000 dollars to name my unborn daughter after him... Rick. Then said I could name her Ricki, as in Ricki Lake. Ughh.

marisadc79 0

Hmm husband siding with his mom against the pregnant wife carrying his unborn child for a hideous name. I do believe he should have his head examined. Don't name your kid that.

As it's your child, and not hers, you should get to pick the name, together with your husband. If they can't see that, say the kid is not his.

Yea, if you don't get to name the kid what you want saying the kid isn't his and potentially breaking up the marriage and the family is totally worth it. Only manipluative bitches use the 'it's not your kid' thing and usually then only for attention.

You may as well name your child "punching bag" and send them to school..