By turnedoff - 18/06/2012 01:00 - United States

Today, I kindly asked my boyfriend to shave his pubic hair to make oral sex more enjoyable for me. He declined, saying, "Think of it as flossing your teeth. I'm doing you a much needed favor." FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 669
You deserved it 5 870

Same thing different taste

Top comments

When they get stuck in your teeth and ripped out, tell him to think of it as waxing considering he refused to shave.

KM96 24

A favour of having mouth full of hair? I doubt it would do a goos flossing job...


Emily9352 13

Refuse to blow him until he shaves.

Men can be men...but a real men will do what it takes to please their woman. Cavemen won't.

why the **** are you giving him a BJ in the first place ? hoes these days.

hiandrews69 29

I mean, blow jobs are fine and all, but I' not going to be doing so if there's a chance I'm going to choke on pubic hair. Refues to do so until he whacks the bush.

I somehow thought of Pringles when I read that ._. I hate Pringles

you could refuse to shave yours and see how much he likes it

Nederlander95 14

So don't blow him. Simple enough, I'm sure he'll give

Ask him why he won't, and if his answer is really stupid simply tell him you won't give him bjs anymore.