By turnedoff - 18/06/2012 01:00 - United States

Today, I kindly asked my boyfriend to shave his pubic hair to make oral sex more enjoyable for me. He declined, saying, "Think of it as flossing your teeth. I'm doing you a much needed favor." FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 669
You deserved it 5 870

Same thing different taste

Top comments

When they get stuck in your teeth and ripped out, tell him to think of it as waxing considering he refused to shave.

KM96 24

A favour of having mouth full of hair? I doubt it would do a goos flossing job...


If it were me he'd be *******-less until he shaved that shit, it's just gross!

KaylaDawnn 5

That's just gross. Don't shave for about a week, and when he goes down on you, return the favor.

lovepandorasaver 11

Smart guy...doing something that will hinder how often you get bj's

And he's dissing u at the same time duii

Squeaky_Tomato 14

Hahaha I had a bf that refused to even trim and I hate getting hair in my mouth. I just stopped shaving and got hairy as well. He didn't like hair in his mouth. I told him that I would shave if he would trim/shave and he did. Moral of the story: give him a taste of his own medicine & he will change.

jackeechan 10

As nasty as that is. I respect gis courtesy of others.

lovelife1995 1

Then tell him you won't give him bjs until he shaves

jarockstar27 10

And then thats where the blow jobs stop...