By turnedoff - 18/06/2012 01:00 - United States

Today, I kindly asked my boyfriend to shave his pubic hair to make oral sex more enjoyable for me. He declined, saying, "Think of it as flossing your teeth. I'm doing you a much needed favor." FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 639
You deserved it 5 856

Same thing different taste

Top comments

When they get stuck in your teeth and ripped out, tell him to think of it as waxing considering he refused to shave.

KM96 24

A favour of having mouth full of hair? I doubt it would do a goos flossing job...


fthku 13

He doesn't have to shavetrim if he doesn't want to. But then, if it bothers you that he has a jungle down there and he isn't willing to do anything about it, you don't have to give him oral sex either.

MrRager7 1

If a girl is putting my dick in her mouth, I can shave my pubes. Your bf is disgusting.

talloctopus 7

I hope that comment meant he's waved goodbye to his last *******.

shorty1015 0

Maybe you should kindly yank on his hair while your down there. Maybe that will motivate him to shave. Once he shaves give him a real good time with and he will never be hairy again. Ha

bubo_fml 10

Q: What do you call a Roman with hair in his teeth? A: A Gladiator!!! (Ba-dum-bum!)

This is where you tell him you won't shave yours until he shaves his. Problem might be solved faster than you think.:)

nikkee_05 4

id tell him that if he wanted me to continue doing "much needed favors" for him he better shave...or just refuse to shave ur nether region til he does

My bf shaves his pubic hair and it's definitely not prickly and he says it feels a lot better since I'll do more with it since there's not a bush near my mouth...because no one likes a mouth full of hair lol

Hiphuray4peas 27

When it's long enough to floss with... gross... and it's too long. Tell him you'll floss regularly in exchange!