By turnedoff - 18/06/2012 01:00 - United States

Today, I kindly asked my boyfriend to shave his pubic hair to make oral sex more enjoyable for me. He declined, saying, "Think of it as flossing your teeth. I'm doing you a much needed favor." FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 669
You deserved it 5 870

Same thing different taste

Top comments

When they get stuck in your teeth and ripped out, tell him to think of it as waxing considering he refused to shave.

KM96 24

A favour of having mouth full of hair? I doubt it would do a goos flossing job...


Live with it douche! I'm Tired hearing about my boyfriend say blah blah blah!!

No more bj's until he trims/shaves. That should convince this a-hole

unitzero 0

if you are getting pubes in your mouth you obviously are doing it wrong. or your man is a mutant because a mans most sensitive part is the head where there shouldn't be any hair. plus if you like your men looking like little boys then obviously you have major issues.

Well it's his junk. You asked he has the right to say no. But seriously if you are getting a mouth full of pubes you are not doing the job properly.

True but if that's the case then she has the right to say no to anymore bjs until he shaves, it's not fair she should deal with all the grossness when he's the one being pleasured!

Your boyfriend is a mega-douche. Put Nair in his body wash or dump him.

cwtb19 0

That's disgusting. Tell him to go bald or go home.

Tell him he doesn't get any action until he shaves. That would be my rule. Pubes are just gross.