By life sucks - 20/05/2010 05:12 - United States

Today, I learned my boyfriend has another girlfriend. His excuse is he's bipolar and each of his personalities needs a girlfriend. FML
I agree, your life sucks 46 782
You deserved it 5 081

Same thing different taste

Top comments

oh wow... he could've at least said he had a multiple personality disorder... doesn't bipolar deal with your moods? I could be wrong here though...

But the point is, they are both still Jake. Just two sides of the same coin. If it was someone with DID, then there wouldbe Jake, Ben, Vlad, Mary, etc. Depends on how many personalities there are. The OP's bf (hopefully ex) is an idiot. Period.


don't discriminate against him and his condition!!!

woulda been a good excuse except bipolar disorder is a more severe form of depression not multiple personalities, that's Dissociative Identity Disorder.

That sucks, I'd dump him because that's stupid. That's a horrible excuse. If he's that bipolar he should be single on both ends because who could deal with someone with that many mood swings? Seriously, I know because I've experienced it.

Jaylishaaa 0

if only he said multi-personality.. not bipolar... that would make it better hahah

I hope you dumped that stupid-ass for thinking bipolar disorder meant he had multiple personalities. Fucktard.

yourmumlovesme 0

Im pretty sure different personalities deals with multiple personalities. Not Bipolar disorder.... FML fail.

I think that's part of the FML. That OP's boyfriend lied about needing two girlfriends for his "multiple personalities" and couldn't even get the disorder right.

it's funny he's bipolar. because that's not the legitimate condition for multiple personalites /:<

littlelemur 2

So do you get the happy guy or the depressed guy?

Zeb_McBride 0
lonesomedove 0

Bipolar disorder is a mood disorder, not a personality disorder. Dump his moronic cheating ass. You're better than that.