By Anonymous - 22/01/2014 00:55 - United Kingdom - Glasgow

Today, I learned that my girlfriend can sleepwalk. She got up, came into the living room where I was laying back against the sofa playing video games. I wasn't really paying much attention, until she stepped on my crotch, after which she left. She doesn't remember a thing. FML
I agree, your life sucks 47 372
You deserved it 6 206

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You just have to prove to her that she is sleepwalking. Afterwards you can blame her for almost everything.

Not saying that it's the case here, but she could easily have done that and blamed it on sleep walking! o_o


Yeah, right. "Sleepwalking." More like a girl who's pissed off because you spent time playing games instead of going to bed :)

Does she like it when you play video games though

Sleep walking or not read between the lines. Stop playing ******* computer games and enter the real world. Spend more time with your girlfriend

Sackohashi 0

You might have to choose what you like having more: your games, or your balls.

I am going to try this the next timemy boyfriend would rather play games than come to bed with me.