By Anonymous - 22/05/2012 10:35 - Philippines

Today, I learned that shaving while feeling upset is a very bad idea. FML
I agree, your life sucks 21 330
You deserved it 6 604

Same thing different taste

Top comments

At least you learn from your mistakes :) Just be glad you did not use a 1 blade razor, that hurts even of you're not upset, believe me. But hey, you are still alive and know what to not do, so cheer up.

Guys, "emo" is a ripoff subculture for kids who want to wear depression as a fashion statement. I'd like to se a person with REAL, SERIOUS problems declare themselves to be emo in public. It's because of them that people who self harm for real reasons aren't taken seriously.


55 emo is short form for EMOTIONAL, sometimes emo people are depressed or cut themselves, it may be a genre I music but still

CearaC 0

I know how being upset can make you do silly things. :(

I can be music. If Skrillex can do it, so can I! Oh wait, that's a dial-up modem.

drakej 0

Nooooo really? That doesnt ever cause suicide. Lol

How does accidentally cutting yourself cause suicide? Op: Whoops, cut myself. Random Person: you did what? Good-bye cruel world! X_X World: Bye, see you lat-- JESUS, THAT'S NOT WHAT I THOUGHT YOU MEANT AT ALL!

Look at it this way ..You learned something new today. Always a good thing right?

Guys, "emo" is a ripoff subculture for kids who want to wear depression as a fashion statement. I'd like to se a person with REAL, SERIOUS problems declare themselves to be emo in public. It's because of them that people who self harm for real reasons aren't taken seriously.

beelee1988 13

Why is 67 being thumbed down? He/she is right.

It's a bad idea to have ANY kind of sharp object in your hands when you're pissed off. Common sense must not be so common anymore.

thats a little over the top cautious. I'm not suggesting its a good idea to carry or use razors when pissed off, but I find absolutes fairly silly most of the time. see that little modifier I used to avoid being called a hypocrite.

TheCorruptid1 6

I am not trying to argue, but, I get more relaxed after an argument, or something around that border, when I just blow off some steam, hit the (punching)bag, carve something, usually just something that is destructive in some way. But that might just be me.

agreed... everyone loves to stereotype....punk,scene,emo,and goth...stereotyping is so overrated were all people with DIFFERENT STYLES!!!!

KilljoyParade 4

55- You're right. And to everyone arguing that "emo" is short for emotional, it isn't... It's short for emotive.