By Anonymous - 30/10/2011 11:38 - United States

Today, I learned that when the power goes out at my house, my family thinks you can no longer flush the toilet. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 649
You deserved it 3 262

Same thing different taste

Top comments

depend if your using cuty or well water cause well water uses the electricity of your house for the water when my power goes out you get one flush gotta love well water

2ndSucks 15

Our generation has so much potential.


The funny thing is, when you're on well water you can't flush the toilet because the pump requires electricity. I know this from personal experience.

every1luvsboners 11

You can flush the toilet, you just have to find water to add to the tank. I'm sure that if the OP family was on well water this wouldn't be a FML, it would be fairly obvious to everyone that they didn't have access to water.

vindicatedkay 0

Unless OP is an idiot, and is on well water. What are the chances that the whole family except for her think that way and she is right?

we used to have a sewage ejector pump. when the power went off, the sewage did not get ejected and stayed in the pit in the basement.

You know you're a Red neck when... Nno offense to any rednecks because I my self am one and proud of it!

Natalkog 3

That funny. My girlfriends friends think the same way

ThatLooksSticky 16

If you have a cordless phone connected to a landline, you won't be able to use your phone.

#34 If your phone service is VoIP, you can't use your phone on a power outage if your modem's battery is down. Happened once over here

shotgunman89 3

you must think your pretty smart OP. but if your water runs off of a well or if you have a septic pump, they are right. you will either run out of water or have sewage back up

kitsune3 20

And just how the hell would YOU know whether that's OP's case or not. Based on the fact that OP finds it ridiculous, I'd say the logical assumption is that it is NOT THE CASE. Try thinking and reading between the lines before you put your fingers to the keyboard with the intent to be an asshole.

That is true because there is no electric to put water back in the upper part.

Sorry if you are on city water it will still work unless the sewer backup fails. Or whatever it is called

every1luvsboners 11

You're a double idiot. There's nothing electric involved in a toilet. If gravity was to suddenly disappear we might have a problem though.

If you are on well water you need electric to refill the toilet dumbass. On city gravity takes Care of it. To the 5 thumbs up. Dumbass

every1luvsboners 11

That's not the point of the FML. Toilets always work regardless of where the water comes from. You can go to the store and buy 50 gallons of water and have a functioning toilet. Dumbass. Go stick your head in a toilet and flush three times.

Stormchaser is correct. My grandparents are on septic and have already used up their one flush. The gov. Says they won't get power back for a week

Not if all the water has been purchased already. In my area all gas, milk, bread, eggs, and water are already sold out

every1luvsboners 11

Evilplatypus, tell your grandparents to go to the store and buy some water, pour it into the tank and their toilets will work fine, I promise.

RedPillSucks 31

Some people keep rain water just for this purpose. That way they don't have to pay for expensive store water just so they can flush the toilet.

This is why I live in a place that isn't being constantly molested by nature.

Yeah, but if you use flush the toilet too much when you're on septic, you fill up the septic tank, which requires electricity to pump. As does taking a shower, or washing your hands. You can do these things, but you have to limit it based on when the power's going to be back, because no one wants a backed up septic tank.

saIty 17

I hate when the power goes out you suddenly have that urge to take a poop. What makes it worse is that your mind goes, "Hey, do you know what I haven't thought in a while? Monsters."