By Mandy - 26/03/2012 22:21 - United States

Today, I learned why the phrase "seafood taco salad" terrifies everyone in the school's cafeteria. What happened to me after eating it made Saw III look like a Disney movie. FML
I agree, your life sucks 24 941
You deserved it 4 020

Same thing different taste

He who controls the spice controls the universe

By Anonymous - 01/10/2024 16:00 - United States

Today, I was at a food truck festival and I spotted a taco truck and eagerly ordered a spicy taco. As I took my first bite, the spice hit me like a freight train and I began to choke. In an effort to save myself, I dropped the taco into the lap of the guy sitting next to me. He looked up, lap splattered in salsa, and asked if I was having a stroke. FML
I agree, your life sucks 100
You deserved it 530

Top comments


linkinpark98 23

Omg! Did u call the police??? I hope u r ok!

i will never trust school cafeteria food. when i was in school i found live magets in the fod. thats why my children have never and will never eat school lunch i always pack their food.

I can't help but say you deserve it. I'm assuming you mean a high school cafeteria, but even if you weren't referring to that, any kind of seafood served in a school is usually not to be touched. School cafeteria food is disgusting, and eating something called "seafood taco salad" is just begging for unpleasantness afterwards.

68, 1) there's no need to be rude to 3, your comment was inappropriate and completely uncalled for. 2) *another. It's just one word.

rcgirl2 11

School foods are just getting worse and worse! At my school, I had chicken. The chicken was so pink! And I found hair in my food. I started making my own lunch after this.

Cafeteria food is delicious!! Or at my school atleast...I would never eat the meat or seafood etc. there though...

... who the heck doesn't know that seafood at a school is as fake as a rubber chicken? But hell at least we know you can survive a nuclear blast after that experience

What's this got to do with Saw? Did OP find an amputated leg in the taco?