By ThisGirl - 21/08/2012 02:30 - United States - Kennesaw

Today, I lost two terabytes' worth of photos to a friend's incompetence. He said he could save me some money and fix my slow computer for free. He ended up wiping the hard drive, and along with it, my photography portfolio from the last five years. FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 298
You deserved it 16 468

Same thing different taste

Top comments

This is why you have an external hard drive to save these important things onto when you are letting someone unqualified (I'm guessing) mess with your stuff.

theslimshadylp 6

Holy shit five years? I would give your friend the wrath of God if I were you.


raelyn75 4

You can possibly have it recovered, may cost a bit, but go to a professional!

countrygirl626 16

And this is why it's good to invest in those external hard drives, since they make them big enough to hold multiple terabytes worth of data.

There ate some programs out there that can restore after a reformat or other wipe. They aren't too terribly expensive and do a decent enough job. You won't get everything back most likely but most of it. I have had to use them a few times when I forgot to back up certain things.

I can recover your lost pictures, they are still embedded in your HDD somewhere. I will charge a low price contact me [email protected]

dmmcintyre3 8

As a fellow photographer, YDI for multiple reasons: 1. Allowing someone without credentials/trusting a friend to have the proper expertise 2. NOT HAVING A BACKUP AS A FREAKING ARTIST.

Hate to say it, but you should've backed everything up. Especially if it was that important to you.