By Anonymous - 04/01/2009 15:18 - France

Today, I'm 20 years old and never been kissed. FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 400
You deserved it 7 346

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I'm 18, same situation. Only difference is that I'm happy for it. I've had enough foolish friends that are girls to teach me better than to trust em. Great example right here. The day I'm leaving to go away to Barbados for the summer my friend asks me if I like her. I answer "Of course, why wouldn't I?" The best thing I could think of to dodge the obvious question. She then tells me, "You know what I meant." Night ends and I take her home. The day after she gets together with my friend, the same day that I leave. Two months later I get back, the next day she and my friend break up. She comes to me to console her, she knows I've never been in a relationship, yet she asks me, "Have you ever kissed anyone?" I answer her honestly, I tell her no. Her response? "Then why don't you kiss me?" I worked my way out of that one, but barely. Come on now, what the hell is that? More trouble than its worth.


I'm sixteen and haven't been kissed (nor have I had a boyfriend yet). I'm probably heading down that same road unfortunately.

dreamofme 0

Once it happens, you'll wish you'd have saved it for someone better.

I feel for you, man. I'm in a similar situation. But you know what makes me feel better? Remembering that I have a friend ten years older than myself who still hasn't had an actual girlfriend. FML, but his life is f***ed worse.

Teodora_fml 1

i had my first "french" kiss at 16(now i'm 17). I had it at a party with a guy that i didn't even know his name next morning:( . i think it's better if you kiss for the first time with someone that loves you and you love :D . i wish i've never kissed that guy

I got my first kiss at 18 with an online friend. Lost virginity at 20 to someone different - who later admitted to using me. He was an asshole, and is now using someone else.. he lives right next to me. (my roommates wall is his roommates wall.)

i don't know, i've read all those posts here, but i just think, that you should go crazy, drink a little bit of sth with your friends (to get more confident), go out and kiss someone random! don't stress so much! kiss isn't such a big deal after all. just go and do it!

Im 15 havent had gf yet or kissed, and im not even aloud to get a gf.Dont feel tobad.Your time will come.

Whooitsleah 0

I'm almost 17, I've had 5 boyfriends, and never been kissed. But I've been felt up and such... What's up with that?

Pittfan557 0

its ok alot of guys like shy girls unless your a guy then woow i am a guy... i was eleven i am still good friends with her all arguments are fine: saving yourself, expireince any way its ok

Ouch mate... I, erm, don't understand why kissing is so big of a deal. I mean, really... I'd feel increadibly insecure if I was like you. >_< Not having sex for a few months makes me feel bad, but not being kissed for years..? Ugh. Must be hell. I wish you luck.