By Anonymous - 04/01/2009 15:18 - France
Same thing different taste
Late bloomer
By Anonymous - 25/03/2021 05:01
By geewhiz - 01/02/2009 10:07 - United Kingdom
Hang in there
By Anonymous - 13/02/2021 02:01
Spin on this
By foreveralone - 21/03/2020 06:00
Single life
By idk what to do - 04/03/2021 00:30
By Blazouta - 11/11/2008 08:32 - France
Late bloomer
By Anonymous - 02/09/2020 17:02
By cheese123 - 03/01/2012 05:25 - United States
Check out Hank Pecker's Chadvice
By electronjames - 09/06/2024 17:00 - United States - Fredericksburg
Short king
By 26 year old - 30/11/2023 16:00
Top comments
I'm sure you will soon. I got my first kiss 2 days ago and I'm only 14. Of coarse since the girl that i had my first kiss with, today is now going out with somebody else. (We weren't going out when we kissed.)
Hey, I feel your pain... I'm 19 and have never been kissed, nor had a boyfriend! I'm more sad about the boyfriend bit; I've had guys like me, and i've liked guys but it's never mutual :( I figure once I get a boyfriend I really like, the kissing will eventuate and it will actually be good! Haha. To all those people posting stuff about how we're such losers, get over yourself. Just because you may have advanced further in this field then some of us doesn't make you better! For all I know you could be just really un-picky. If I went out with just anyone who asked me, I could have had my first kiss at 16. (Or even a childhood kiss at the age of 6 or something, lol)
ahh well..i first got kissed at 13 i far as i remember..with a girl btw. but my first legit kiss was at 18...and i lost the big v at 18 as well..and i sometimes honestly thought i was getting old. just to give a hint of how screwed up society is....feeling old at 18. blah... of luck ..and i'm sure u'll find someone who'll be worthy of ur waiting.
I got i good at the end of grd 5
that sucks! but I don't see why it would be 'so much more special' if you get your first kiss at a later age. I was 12 and it felt special then.
Not tryin to lower ur self asteem or anything but I was 12 when I had my first kiss. I made sure I rlly loved him and he loved me too though and trust me letting ur guard down isn't easy but I'll feel great once u have :)

I'm 18, same situation. Only difference is that I'm happy for it. I've had enough foolish friends that are girls to teach me better than to trust em. Great example right here. The day I'm leaving to go away to Barbados for the summer my friend asks me if I like her. I answer "Of course, why wouldn't I?" The best thing I could think of to dodge the obvious question. She then tells me, "You know what I meant." Night ends and I take her home. The day after she gets together with my friend, the same day that I leave. Two months later I get back, the next day she and my friend break up. She comes to me to console her, she knows I've never been in a relationship, yet she asks me, "Have you ever kissed anyone?" I answer her honestly, I tell her no. Her response? "Then why don't you kiss me?" I worked my way out of that one, but barely. Come on now, what the hell is that? More trouble than its worth.
You are a strange person