By newlywed - 27/02/2011 05:18 - United States

Today, I married a wonderful man. Even though both of us were no longer virgins, we decided to wait until marriage to sleep together. He just told me I was the worst he's ever had. FML
I agree, your life sucks 51 059
You deserved it 13 462

Same thing different taste

Top comments

OK, I know views on abstinence before marriage varies, but to my mind, YDI huge. If neither of you were virgins, and you were planning on getting married, the idea that you wouldn't have sex just strikes me as bizarre, with this being one of the main reasons. It's going to be a long fifty years.


The first time can almost always be awkward between two people. You'll both learn what the other likes in time, and then perhaps you can be the best.


Should have been practicing. YDI

you don't buy a car from a dealership without a test drive...why would you marry someone without a test drive??? you both deserve it...

He sounds like a bit of a sociopath. He's obviously worried that his performance didn't measure up too and trying to take you out of the complainer sweepstakes early. Anyway, what kind of guy SAYS that to a woman on their HONEYMOON, though? Start hiding your bank accounts and tucking away extra cash. This marriage won't last. It seems to me that he's starting this "You're bad in bed" routine as a future justification for cheating and an open marriage. Get out before you have kids. There are much nicer and more caring men in the world. Dude has major problems if he's being a dick this early.

aww thats not nice :( he should love EVERYTHING about you and maybe he should help you get better not put you down

only1onyx 0

thats what test drives are for. sorry op.

Well you're not supposed to just lay there like a dead fish. Get into it and do something. He may like it better.

goldieglock 5

hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha I think I just peed a little. hahahahahahahahahahahahaha

Everyone thinks its the boyfriends fault. For all you know he could have been awesome in bed. Op could have been failing. If shes the worst its not boyfriends fault. YDI badly

kmarrs 2

Ok, well, you have the rest of your lives to learn what he likes and to get better in bed with him.