By notnerb - 19/05/2009 10:13 - New Zealand

Today, I met up with a guy from a local dating site for coffee. He walked up, looked me over and said "Ummm, no", then walked off. FML
I agree, your life sucks 68 894
You deserved it 8 594

Same thing different taste

Top comments

owned. you didn't... like, exchange photos beforehand? oh, internet dating. what a waste of breathe.

Engineer_Chick 0

Don't most dating sites have a picture of yourself. Was it honest?


shallow bastard , if he's that desprate for being on a dating website , then beggers can't be choosers

(#19)Fermata took the words out of my mouth. Damn. OP: It was a callous thing to do and totally unnecessary, so be thankful you didn't end up with a jerk who has no social graces whatsoever because you deserve better than that.

LoveToSmile101 0

Lmao YDI next time send a pic first would have saved you both the trouble.

#11 is right, but at least you dodged a bullet... if he was that shallow he wasn't worth your time anyway. Best of luck next time!

deaditegirl 0

If you lied about your pictures, YDI. If not, you're better off without someone who's obviously such a shallow jerk.

wakingthefallen2 0

*thumbs up* exactly what I was thinking(:

I love #19's reply so much, exactly what I was thinking. You win some and you lose some hun, don't be afraid to try again :).

americayay 0

Today, my boyfriend of 3 years told me that the first time he saw me in a coffee shop, after meeting on a dating site, he wanted to look me over and say "Ummm, no," but he decided to stick around until something better came along. I'm pregnant. FML. Could be worse. That could be your post 3 years from now.