By notnerb - 19/05/2009 10:13 - New Zealand

Today, I met up with a guy from a local dating site for coffee. He walked up, looked me over and said "Ummm, no", then walked off. FML
I agree, your life sucks 68 894
You deserved it 8 594

Same thing different taste

Top comments

owned. you didn't... like, exchange photos beforehand? oh, internet dating. what a waste of breathe.

Engineer_Chick 0

Don't most dating sites have a picture of yourself. Was it honest?


You'd rather waste an hour or two of your time having coffee with a guy who will never call you again? Sure, it may have been impolite, but he did you a favor by getting it over with in a second.

You met a guy from a local dating site... It's not always going to work out perfectly.

pwnrzero 0

dont worry, i did the same thing to a hot girl i over the summer of two years ago her: "you wanna be my bf? " me: looks at her straight in the eyes me "ummmmm no " she was with two of her friends, and i was with my 8 year old brother i denied her, but im proud! i wouldnt have been happy with a girlfriend, i rather would make the jump straight to a wife this was when i was about to enter highschool [aka freshman] now, im a sophomore

YDI For online dating and having no life. So therefore you have to meet guys on the internet because you can't get a boyfriend in real life...Wow. But then again..i kinda feel sorry for you so FYL too.

Sorry there are so many ignorent people here, i see nothing wrong with online dating (so long as you're safe about it) it does not necessarily mean you have 'no life.' I think the guy who passed you up was cruel and clearly 'shopping around' for exterior qualities of his own personal preferences rather than attempting to build a quality relationship. Don't feel bad, he did you a favour, he was not worth your time.

Well, at least he didn't give you false hope. I can't say I would have done the samething, but whatever.

fmlxxxx 0

YDI. If you are fat you should tell people before the date. True, most guys would act polite during the date, but the end result is the same, they'll never talk to you again afterwards.

bonafidehustler 0

People who think because you did internet dating means you have no life are idiots. I know A LOT of people who do internet dating, and I know several people who've married people they met from internet dating. I guess most of the people who make fun of it are probably in high school where there's no need to do internet dating. It doesn't mean you can't get a bf/gf in real life, but when you're no longer in school, it's hard to meet new people except for in bars or clubs, where you're not usually going to meet people with similar interests or aspirations.

this is why you shouldn't meet people on dating sites FYL though :(

Gabby125 0

The moral of the story is: don't go for meeting people on the internet! And if you're that ugly it's probably for the best you don't date. I mean we can't be mudding up the gene pool with you fugly DNA, can we?