By notnerb - 19/05/2009 10:13 - New Zealand

Today, I met up with a guy from a local dating site for coffee. He walked up, looked me over and said "Ummm, no", then walked off. FML
I agree, your life sucks 68 894
You deserved it 8 594

Same thing different taste

Top comments

owned. you didn't... like, exchange photos beforehand? oh, internet dating. what a waste of breathe.

Engineer_Chick 0

Don't most dating sites have a picture of yourself. Was it honest?


xO_starstruck_xO 0

aw he wasn't worth your time at all! you guys should've exchanged pictures first if you really liked him.

that sucks :( pic exchange on msn or something first

I have sat through a date where the woman sent doctored up pictures. I sat, had pleasant conversation, and when she suggested we go to another place after dinner, I just politely told her that I wasn't feeling it, and that I had enjoyed the evening, and wished her well. I walked her to her car, offered a take care of yourself hug, and she tried to stick her tongue down my throat. I made a very unmanly squealing noise, and jumped back a few feet. Thats when I made the "Uhhhhhhh, No" sounds. My present girlfriend of six months, I met her online. She is a real catch, and we would have never met in regular, offline life.

#78 That was by far the stupidest comment I have ever read on Everyone who reads that comment is now dumber for having done so. I award you zero points and may God have mercy on your soul.

that totally sucks... sorry dude, and #19 is so right haha #90 lol #78 you are retarded.

lilcuti3pi389 0

mark266, #48 you are a ******* dick you british **** get off the internet! and #67 you are a condescending douche bag prick. :) also, it doesnt really matter how many people have gotten married or had successful relatioships the fact is some people are gonna think its a "last resort" kind of thing.. its sometimes viewed as a desperate attempt, thats just the way it is... Lol! but seriously, OP, I'm sorry that happened to you, better luck next time. Keep your head up! :)

What a jerk! Your better without someone like him.