By notnerb - 19/05/2009 10:13 - New Zealand

Today, I met up with a guy from a local dating site for coffee. He walked up, looked me over and said "Ummm, no", then walked off. FML
I agree, your life sucks 68 894
You deserved it 8 594

Same thing different taste

Top comments

owned. you didn't... like, exchange photos beforehand? oh, internet dating. what a waste of breathe.

Engineer_Chick 0

Don't most dating sites have a picture of yourself. Was it honest?


What's with all the haters from dating sites? I met my girlfriend of 3 years from a dating site, and I'll probably never try and meet somebody at a bar or wherever again if this relationship doesn't work out. In any case, if you're going to date someone off the internet, don't try and be sneaky and put up a picture you took with "the angles" to hide your real appearance. You're starting the whole thing off with a lie, and the above is going to happen again and again when you actually meet the person for a date. Just take an honest photo and send it. If you're not the best looking person, a lot of people will reject you outright, but it's better they do that on the internet than in person.

#63: I like to meet people on the internet so I could avoid stupid people who have no knowledge of spelling or grammar. You know, the type of people who spell "Wuts" instead of "What's" and "some1" instead of "someone." That kind of stuff is very hard to hide when meeting someone on the internet. The English language has all of the words you'll ever need to communicate. You don't even need to make up your own!

I actually have a couple of things to add: First of all, this guy is probably jaded from all the routine of internet dating and meets, so he wanted to skip it when he saw something he didn't like, which means, NO ONE WANTS HIM. Secondly, the others here are right, the very best Os I've had have been from VIBES, not from guys. Use your vibe. If you don't have one, GET ONE, girl! Thirdly, get into therapy. I'm saying this to you from experience. I know that a lot of the reason people have trouble meeting others is because of what's inside of them. Whatever it is that is broken inside of you (if you fit my estimation) is what you should address first. After that, (with courage and will, you can and will overcome) your genuine happiness and peace will draw people to you. Trust that you have everything you need to make you happy inside of yourself. Really good luck to you, OP.

37 - right on the nose. Happens all the time to me, so now I'm much more inclined to return the favour. If it happens to you, you can just blame all the bitchy, superficial women out there. I used to try and be nice at clubs and bars, but now if I don't want to dance or if someone's being a bitch, I am the equivalent.

Hah, you got Lemon Law-ed! That's just a bit hilarious.

mrose57 0

Two words for that guy - Ass Hole.

Vinny66 0

Don't worry about it... he's a jerk.

You didn't see pictures first? Shame.