By Lorus - 23/08/2011 07:30 - United States

Today, I passed a kidney stone. This is the third one in two years. I'm only 23. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 821
You deserved it 5 479

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Joshoa123 16


Bigqjmcgeorge 1

You know what really sucks? Being 17 and having surgery to remove your first two kidnesy stones, only to go back two days later and discovering you have another. I don't drink pop or energy drinks.

awh_crap 17

The fact you are of that age is fine... I'm 16 and I've had quite a few... Just drink lots of water. Very painful though! I sympathise quite so.

Thats what you get from getting stoned all the time

I passed my 1st at 19... and quite a few in the past 8 years. Give up Caffeine.. and Drink A LOT of water!

lksdliz 9

You have my utter sympathy. I have delivered three kids, and passed one kidney stone. I'll take being in labor any day.

Really 3 in 2 years..... That's not a lot... I know someone who has the weekly and is in their twentys. Stop complaining!

What happens in California.. Stays in Hollywood

Take care man! Hope this not come back to u again. Btw, take more water....

Cry me a river. I pass 10+ a year and have for the past 25 years.