By Anonymous - 07/05/2009 04:29 - Korea Republic of

Today, I picked up my passport, as my previous one was damaged in a car crash. As the teller warned me that a pattern of damaged passports would result in longer processing periods, she spilled her coffee - all over my new passport. I'm supposed to go overseas in a month. FML
I agree, your life sucks 62 180
You deserved it 2 383

Same thing different taste

Top comments

did you, or did you not, slap her in the face?

Stupid woman. Can you get her to explain that it's her fault and waive the waiting period?


this just reminded me. a friend put his passport in the wash. it was still fine afterwards ;s well, for ID purposes anyways. not sure if it would be fine to go abroad, etc, but it looked fine just a bit tatty. and don't ask me, i don't know HOW it survived the washing machine...

I would have gone crazy at her. Hope you manage to go away.

australiaaaa 0

get it expidited. it'll cost a little extra, but you'll get it in time my mom once got her passport in 4 days, she didnt realize her old one expired until 4 days before a trip out of country

This is definitely worst FMLs on here... I am so sorry. That is so incredibly frustrating. #26 is sucking my will to live with all that valley girl-speak. Oh, the humanity!

ombrelle 0

you're going to have your passport if you were smart enough to stay to ask to a higher authority to show that the teller split her coffee on your new passport! So not really FML worthy... they have rush service which can be done in an hour.... it wasn't your fault so they have to rush the service for you so that you can go away in a month

if you can prove when your going away they can do it for on the same day. i lost mine the day before i was spoused to leave for siwzterland and got mine. had to pay a little bit more but they can do it so dont worrie!

i dont get it my passport wouldnt be ruined by coffee and i dont see how one would get 'damaged' in a 'car accident' its a hard little booklet thats laminated inside pretty much. FAKE